Women's Circles
Do you long to travel life with brilliant women by your side?
- Do you want to be part of a Women's Circle that consciously explores how to create a new culture of love, respect and sisterhood?
- You feel an inner call to explore your femininity, celebrate womanhood and dive deep into female spirituality?
- You yearn for encouragement and support to realize your vision?
- You long to be part of a wonderful circle of women in which fun and joy are combined with deep transformation and nourishment for body, mind and soul?
Then you've come to the right place.
Welcome to the circle of Sisters!
Let me call you in a silent voice
Let me invite you to follow me into the circle of timeless truth, into the timeless circle of wise women, the yogini circle.
Lean back in the seat that has always been waiting for you. Let us open the gates to a World full of Magic.
Let us draw from a source of infinite wisdom and let us listen to the voices of our souls.
Let us sing the songs of our souls, let us cry the tears of the moment, let us meet our heart’s longings.
Let our bodies dance, let us be wild, silent, soft, awkward, beautiful… Exactly as you are. Right this moment.
Put down your masks. It is time for you to bathe in the beauty of yourself and seduce us with your uniqueness.
Let us water and nourish the garden of our being, so that every single flower blossoms and charms the world’s senses with her scent.
You, exactly you, are called. Follow the call of your heart. Take my hand. Together we walk into the depths of our true being.
You arrived, you have never left…”
Do you long to travel life with brilliant women by your side?
- Do you want to be part of a Women's Circle that consciously explores how to create a new culture of love, respect and sisterhood?
- You feel an inner call to explore your femininity, celebrate womanhood and dive deep into female spirituality?
- You yearn for encouragement and support to realize your vision?
- You long to be part of a wonderful circle of women in which fun and joy are combined with deep transformation and nourishment for body, mind and soul?
- Then you've come to the right place.
Welcome to the circle of Sisters!
Have you ever noticed what happens to a person when he or she is truly seen and loved?
As a social anthropologist, I’m passionate about creating a new culture of support, respect and love in which every human being is able to live his or her full potential and highest happiness. It is my mission to create safe spaces for women to meet in circle and grow together.
I believe that if we truly see, support and celebrate each other, our true beauty and greatness unfolds.
The power of women who gather consciously to live and celebrate their inner beauty and greatness is incredible.
Join me now!
Inspired by teachers like Chameli Ardagh (Awakening Women Institute), Shanti Mayi, Amma, Claire Zammit (Feminine Power), Angela Farmer, Sally Kempton and countless other great women I dive deeper and deeper into the female spiritual practice, the Yogini Path. Working in women's circles is my great passion. Finding and developing a feminine yoga path (the yogini path) based on the Hridaya Yoga, Yoga of the Spiritual Heart, has become the center of my spiritual practice.
"I can hardly find the right words to tell you how much I am filled with gratitude and warmth to think of all the beautiful and intense moments we spend together as a group. Strangers became sisters in such a short time.
This circle had a very healing effect on me. So much has changed inside me and I am deeply touched, full of energy and strength. I never thought that was possible." Tatjana Pürro
Herzschwestern - Frauentempel
Offener Frauenkreis
Wir treffen uns im Frauenkreis, um gemeinsam unsere Weiblichkeit zu erforschen und unser Frausein zu stärken und zelebrieren.
27. September 2018 in Bern
Glücklich, erfüllt und sexy - Lebe und entdecke deine wahre Grösse und Schönheit
Workshopserie und Seminare für Frauen
Wie gut ist es doch, mit tollen Schwestern in die tiefsten Geheimnisse der Frauenseele einzutauchen, sich auszutauschen und Neues zu entdecken. Zusammen entdecken wir das Geheimnis eines glücklichen und erfüllten Lebens – tiefgründig, sexy und verspielt.
Start neuer Zyklus in Bern: 28. August 2018
Yogini Weekend: Die Wilde Weise Frau
Ein Weekend für Frauen im Tessin
Ein Weekend für Frauen mit einer bunten Mischung aus weiblichem Yoga, Meditationen, Tempelübungen, Musik, Stille, Austausch und viel Spass und Freude.
Es ist die wunderschöne wilde weise Frau, die sich so darauf freut, endlich gesehen zu werden.
28. - 30. September 2018 im Tessin
Lustvoll Lebendig
Ein Seminar für Frauen
Lust, Begehren und Ekstase - Lebe und entdecke deine wahre Grösse und Schönheit.
Bist du bereit, die Lebendigkeit, Lust und Sinnlichkeit in dein Leben einzuladen?
27./28. Oktober 2018 in Bern
Begegnung mit der Dunklen Schwester
Ein Seminar für Frauen
Eine Begegnung mit deiner dunklen Schwester, deinen Schattenseiten und alle dem, dem wir lieber nicht in die Augen schauen möchten. Wir schaffen einen heiligen Raum der Akzeptanz und Transformation, in dem wir lernen alle unsere Aspekte zu integrieren und uns ganz neu in uns selber zu verlieben können.
1./2. Dezember 2018 in Bern.